“Neko3, one of the most visionary ensembles at a moment where the scene is changing rapidly ”
— Andrew Mellor, Seismograf, 12.Feb.2020
“Their concert was one of the most cleverly and effectively put together that i’ve witnessed in a long time”
— 5against4 (5:4), 7. Feb. 2019
“NEKO3 is a wonderful ensemble that shines light (and sound) on a special area of the contemporary music scene where sound, images, and performance blend together”
— Henrik Friis, Politiken, 7. Sep. 2018
“ The Danish ensemble NEKO3 hit the nerve in the new avant-garde music with strong electronic pieces performed in darkness... ...There’s no doubt that they’re an ambitious and much-needed addition to this country’s avant-garde music scene.”
— Thomas Michelsen, Politiken, 23. Jun. 2018
“Stretched between the utopias of transhumanism and the beauty of music, Angel Death Traps stands as a glittering prism whose many facets reflect possible futures. It’s simultaneously bombastic and fresh, and very strongly executed by NEKO3. Amidst the dystopian news of climate collapse and war, Angel Death Traps stands as a highly successful artistic achievement. Also due to the song cycle’s insistence on the rich possibilities of technology that transhumanism offers as an optimistic vision of the future.”